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- AxEA
- Lunchtime - Digital Dog Editioný
- (Issue 1)ý
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- (In which Dr. Doggie PhD (C. Eng) becomes a record þ
- producer and rapes a small blue teddy bear called þ
- Edward)ý
- ý
- Featuring Ed Maxroom - The Imp (Short Story) - þ
- Traveller's Guide to Switzerland - Conrad Truss þ
- interviews Jean-Michel Jarre - In The Kitchen - In þ
- Search Of Bod - Bell Ringers and Brass Rubbers Monthly þ
- - Comics - Delirium (TVÿ Nuclear Powerÿ Saachi and þ
- Saachi) - The White Hygienic Monster - Biosphere þ
- (Frozen Embreyosÿ Whales)ý
- ý
- Originally released February 1991ý
- More fun than you can poke a stick at.ý
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- AxEA
- Lunchtime II - Hamsters on The Prowlý
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- (In which an inconsequential hamster called Harvey þ
- AxEA
- flashes whilst wearing a grey overcoat).ý
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- Grayhald's Guide to Problem Role-Players - Letter From þ
- Glasgow - Lost in Studio 2 - Are you a Lawnmover? - þ
- Sand - Vote Hamsterý
- Harvey & Doggie's Furry Tales (Ishmail's Visit) - þ
- Biosphere (Litterÿ Oil Companys & Holiday Makers) - þ
- Kill Your Kids Kit Barangio Delta (Catastrophe Theory þ
- & psychic Manifestations) - Bogwort - Tibetý
- ý
- Released September 1991ý
- More fun than mortal man deserves.ý
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- AxEA
- Lunchtime III - Edward's Revengeý
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- In which a blue teddy bear called Edward seeks revenge þ
- AxEA
- upon Dr. Doggie and doesn't appear in the magazine.ý
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- Dr. Doggie's Novel Experience - The Thirteenth Man on þ
- The Moon - Doggie and Harvey Meet Satan the Dog - þ
- Conrad Truss interviews God - Famous People - J.R. þ
- Hartley's Secret Diary - Traveller's Guide to þ
- Zanzibaar - Star Trek Role-Playing Guide.ý
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- Released August 1992.ý
- An Intellectual Hand Job.ý
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- Get them from us for a measly couple of quid. Issue 1 þ
- special price of £1.ý
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- AxEA
- If you want to orderÿ send your cheque / P. Order þ
- payable to Andrew Bennett. Here's his address:ý
- ý
- Lunchtime (AMIGA)ý
- 203 London Roadý
- Chestertoný
- Newcastleý
- Staffordshireý
- ST5 7HT.ý
- ý
- Make sure you specify AMIGA wither in the address or þ
- in your letter else you may well get a copy of the þ
- Archimedes versionÿ and that would never doÿ would it?ý
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